Success Stories

What our Clients Say

Here's a sample of what people have created through Sam Kukathas' Neuro-Resonance Optimisation™️.

Clearing Hidden Root Cause Trauma to Step into an Abundant Future

Judy Thureson

Author of Beautiful Tragedy, Health and Wellness Coach

Creating Space for Million Dollar Speaker Jaymin Patel to Create His Vision

Jaymin Patel

Million Dollar Speaker, Self Expression Coach & Soul Mentor for High-Achievers

Removing Blocks and Old Beliefs in 90 Minutes

Allison Micke Orlovsky

Relationship Revolution

Experiencing A New Version of Who You Are That Allows For Freedom

Craig Duncan

Transformation Leader

Activating Vision and Shifting Money Blocks with Anna Choi

Anna Choi

CEO, Soljoy & 2 x Ted-x speaker

'Instead of taking months and years to remove these blocks, we are removing blocks in minutes and hours.'

Cam Forrey

Founder, Conscious Wealth Mentor

Neuro-Energetic Sound Healing: Why This Will Add Multiple 7 figures to Sachin Sharma's Bottom Line

Sachin Sharma

Lamron Coach

How Ian Stanley Achieved a Year's Worth of Output in a Month through Neuro-Energetic Sound Healing

Ian Stanley

CEO, Almost Passive Income

Creating Financial Freedom: The Power of Neuro-Energetic Sound Healing

Marcus Cracknell

Associate Program Leader Mark Kamin & Associates

The Surprising Impact of Neuro-Energetic Sound Healing on Health and Business

Raghav Parkash

Raghav Parkash Coaching

The Transformative Power of Neuro-Energetic Sound Healing

April Dodd

Belief Coding Facilitator

Experiencing 40 Years of Revelations in 90 Minutes through Neuro-Energetic Sound Healing

Amy Leigh Looper

CEO of Resilient Growth Unleashed

We all need Sam! Sam Kukathas is one of my top advisors that I go to when I am looking to up level myself in my leadership. Sam has a really powerful process of getting me back into my ability to see the big vision I have to create massive impact on the planet and align me back to becoming that person that actually can make that happen.'
Maruxa Murphy
CEO of Revolutionary Communities
'I recorded 45 videos in the next month which is more than I had in the whole year'... 'Sam got me out of my way.' Ian Stanley has sold over $100 million in products and services since 2014 through his company Almost Passive Income. Hear why he describes the work we have done together as life changing.
Ian Stanley
CEO of Almost Passive Income
My time with Sam was a truly unique and powerful one. His approach left me with new spaces and new actions to take in areas of my life where I had been stuck. One can’t help but reinvent themselves around this man.
Cody Cerny
Consultant at Insigniam
This is brilliant. This is spectacular. There is football and then there is Ronaldo. So there is there's coaching, healing and then there's this what happened today.
Bishal Sarkar
Leading Public Speaking Expert in India
Sam has something special, he has something different, and I can't quite put my finger on it … I had been experiencing burnout this year, and feeling really broken and incapable, in that moment, just truly incapable of doing anything for myself … I am now able to step into my own power. So I'm just so incredibly grateful for that time. I highly recommend if you have not booked the session yet you need to get on that because you don't know what you don't know …
Morrighan Lynne
Intuitive Coach at Morrighan Lynne
'Instead of taking months and years to remove these blocks, we are removing blocks in minutes and hours.'
Cam Forrey
Founder, Conscious Wealth Mentor
‘This man has skill, talent, and gifts beyond measure. I can say this because I have done over 5000 sessions with clients and Sam is the real deal.’
Dr Ursula Lentine
Pranic Healer