The Power of the Imagination: Awakening to a Mission

As children our capacity to imagine is limitless. As we get older and more cautious and sceptical that capacity tends to dissipate. Experiences in our lives sever the safety of the previous pattern of thinking. Sometimes these cues from the brain are extremely valuable. We touch a hot stove with our hand and it burns, […]
A Life Changing Opportunity to Create Global Impact

What if we all had the same opportunities we just aren’t all present to the miracles? This is an idea I drew from listening to Kusudi Muithi‘ masterclass the other week. Here’s my version of opportunities turning into miracles. As you read this I invite you to listen for what opportunities might be in front […]
Imagine Politics Was Not About Winning or Losing

Imagine politics wasn’t about winning or losing. I don’t mean that no one wins, and no one loses. Rather, imagine if winning and not losing wasn’t central to the game of politics. What does it look like when winning and not losing is the focus of politics? There is nothing wrong with this; it simply […]
Anxiety Is Not A Problem ‒ Here’s Why

You see, when you don’t allow an emotion to be you effectively tell the emotion I’m not going to recognize you. What does the emotion do? The emotion stays, because the emotion actually wants to be acknowledged. Anxiety is a state of being and it’s also an emotion. It’s a feeling. ‘I feel anxious’ is […]
From Expectations And Frustrations To Cultivation ‒ The World Of Blank Slate Relationships

When was the last time you had an expectation disappointed in a relationship? What was the impact for you? Are you still dealing with that impact? Did the relationship last or did your frustration have you end it? And if the relationship lasted, what is your experience of yourself? Expectations are almost designed to be […]